12 Plait Kangaroo Hide Snakewhip - Natural & Whisky - 3ft, 9in - New

This 3ft, 9in kangaroo hide snakewhip has a 2-pass 9x8 Herringbone Knot at the heel and a wrist loop. Brand new and ready to ship.



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Light Weight Kangaroo Hide Target Whip - 4ft, 6in - 20 Plait - 11in Spalted Maple Handle - New


This light-weight kangaroo hide target whip is great for fast paced targeting and routines. The handle is 11in lathe-turned Spalted Maple with a 2-pass 9x8 Herringbone Knot at the transition in light brown and turquoise. The overlay is 20-plait kangaroo hide in light brown & brandy. Brand new and ready to ship.


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